How to create Courses for College / University?

How to create Courses for College / University?

Step 1: Add New
1) Select Campus, Institute, University and Course level of the course that needs to added.
2) Type Name of the course in the Field "Name".

3) Mention Course duration in Months, Course Period ( For Yearly courses, select Yearly; For semester based courses, select Half Yearly).
4) Mention Maximum Classes in the Course. (It will be the maximum number of classes that a student will study in. For Example, 3 Classes for in Yearly course because it will be only 3 classes i.e. 1st year,2nd year and 3rd year that the student will go through, and 6 classes for B.Com in Semester based course, as there will be total of six semesters.)
5) SAVE.
Different sections will not be taken into counting here. Even if the institute has 4 sections for B.Com in all classes for a semester based course, the Maximum classes will remain 6 only.